23 March, 2016

Call for entry : The 50th International Exhibition of Japan Enamelling Artist Association _2016

Bando di concorso dell'Arte dello smalto a fuoco : 
The 50th International Exhibition of Japan Enamelling Artist Association si terrĂ  presso Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum a Tokyo, Giappone, dal  25 al 31 luglio 2016.

* Scadenza iscrizione :        6 Aprile 2016
* Ricezione opere entro il  27 Aprile 2016

Per ulteriore informazioni, Regolamento ( Summary Regulations ), guardate il testo in Inglese sotto.
** Per avere Regolamento completo e Modulo di iscrizione in inglese, e per iscriversi per concorso, dovreste contattare direttamente gli organizzatori di Japan Enamelling Artist Association.
   E-mail address :   shippou@circus.ocn.ne.jp

Buon lavoro a tutti-! .

The International juried enamel exhibition :
The 50th International Exhibition of Japan Enamelling Artist Association will be held at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum in Tokyo  from July 25 to 31, 2016.
* Deadline for application :    April   6, 2016
* The works should arrive by April 27, 2016 to the Association  office
*** Summary Regulations  ***
*  Each artist may submit maximum of 3 works.
     * The works must be the original and not have been previously exhibited elsewhere.
     * Batteries should not be included in the works.
 The works are classified into 3 categories :   Flat,  Three-dimensional, or  Accessory. 
*  Entry Fee :   U.S. $ 95.00     ( U.S.  $ 70.00 for student ) 
*  Shipping  :  * Maximum weight of the works with packaging should not exceed 15 kg.
                       * Maximum allowable dimensions of parcels should be :  
                             * Total of Width + Length + Height  = less than 200cm.
                             * The longest side of the parcel should not exceed 100 cm. 
To participate in the juried exhibition, For more detailed information such as Regulations and Entry form in englishplease contact organizer the Japan Enamelling Artist Association 
** E-mail address :   shippou@circus.ocn.ne.jp

05 March, 2016

Enamelling course 2016 at LAO, in Florence

Corso di Smalto a fuoco 2016

Abbiamo lezione di Smalto a fuoco, tenuta da me, alla scuola di gioielleria a Firenze.  :)
Visitate la pagina Facebook di Le Arti Orafe Jewellery School, potreste vedere alcuni foto della lezione di febbraio e marzo 2016.    ***   Potreste Vedere la pagina, solo se siete sul Facebook. ***

La scuola propone corsi di Smalto a fuoco.  Spero di lavorare presto anche con voi -!!!  

photo :  by the Facebook page Le Arti Orafe Jewellery School
Enamelling course in Florence
I’ve been teaching enamelling at the Jewellery school in Florence.
Please visit the Facebook page Le Arti Orafe Jewellery School to see some photos of the course taken in February and March 2016.   ***  You'll only see the page if you're on Facebook.  ***

More photos will be coming soon -!  

Working with young talented students is such a joy and interesting thing.  They give me a lot of inspiration-! 
and Big thanks to the Le Arti Orafe Jewellery School for establishing the new Enamelling studio -!!!